Drought Relief and Resilience Project – Well Equipping and Pipeline Package
The Project consists of equipping a production well, constructing a new booster pump station, installing electrical conduit, and installing a conveyance pipeline from the well to the existing water system infrastructure, as described and implied in the Contract Documents. The work generally includes: mobilization; site preparation; trenching; furnishing materials for project; site wiring and controls installation, submittal and document preparation; compliance with regulatory requirements; surveying; temporary facilities; site maintenance, safety and security; testing; demobilization; and all labor, equipment, and incidentals required, to construct a ready for operation equipped well, booster station, and conveyance pipeline.
Project Bid Book and Specs
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Name | Size | ||
240722_BCMWC-WELL_PIPE DIV 00_BID SET | 1.3 MB | ||