Public Projects

Bids due in 18 days
10/4/24 10:00am
Bid #328 DBB C.L. Smith & Sinsheimer Elementary Field Renovations Projects
Bids due in 18 days
San Luis Coastal Unified School District
San Luis Obispo, CA
Bidding Closed
9/12/24 12:00pm
Cal Poly Building 50J Interior Renovation Project
Bidding Closed
Maino Construction Co., Inc.
San Luis Obispo, CA
Maino Construction, GC, seeks subcontractors for work consisting of interior and exterior demolition and abatement, exterior fencing and motorized gates, earthwork and asphalt, electrical, plumbing, metal stud framing and drywall, insulation, acoustical ceilings, flooring and top set base, cabinetry, new motorized overhead coiling doors, doors and hardware, exterior fabric door awning.
Bids due in 18 days
10/4/24 10:00am
San Miguel Alley (#6020) Waterline Relocation
Bids due in 18 days
San Miguel Community Services District
San Miguel, CA
Project includes construction of approximately 860 feet of new 8-inch PVC distribution main along San Luis Obispo County Alley #6020 between 10th Street and San Luis Obispo Road in San Miguel, CA. The project is broken into three distinct waterline segments, with Waterline 1 including approximately 510 feet of new 8-inch PVC between 9th and 10th Street, Waterline 2 including 270 feet of new 8-inch PVC between 9th Street and San Luis Obispo Road, and Waterline 3 including 80 feet of new 8-inch PVC along San Luis Obispo Road. The Project includes abandonment of the existing waterlines and tie over service and hydrant laterals to the new waterline.
Bids due in 18 days
10/4/24 9:00am
Recycled Water Pipeline
Bids due in 18 days
San Miguel Community Services District
San Miguel, CA
The project includes construction of approximately 2,530 feet of new 8-inch pipeline from the Machado Wastewater Treatment Facility to E&J Gallo vineyards on the west side of Highway 101. The pipeline will begin at the treatment facility and continue north along District-owned property, route west crossing Union Pacific Railroad tracks and Mission Street, continue west along 20th Street and through a private property easement and cross beneath Highway 101 to terminate near the property boundary of E&J Gallo and Vino Farms. The crossings at the Union Pacific Railroad and Highway 101 will be completed using jack-and-bore methods.
Bids due in 22 days
10/8/24 10:00am
Bid #327 DBB Sinsheimer Phase 1 Modernization Project
Bids due in 22 days
San Luis Coastal USD
San Luis Obispo, CA
Bidding Closed
9/5/24 11:00am
Drought Relief and Resilience Project – Well Equipping and Pipeline Package
Bidding Closed
Baron Canyon Mutual Water Company
San Luis Obispo, CA
The Project consists of equipping a production well, constructing a new booster pump station, installing electrical conduit, and installing a conveyance pipeline from the well to the existing water system infrastructure, as described and implied in the Contract Documents. The work generally includes: mobilization; site preparation; trenching; furnishing materials for project; site wiring and controls installation, submittal and document preparation; compliance with regulatory requirements; surveying; temporary facilities; site maintenance, safety and security; testing; demobilization; and all labor, equipment, and incidentals required, to construct a ready for operation equipped well, booster station, and conveyance pipeline.
Bidding Closed
8/15/24 2:00pm
City of Morro Bay 2024 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Bidding Closed
City of Morro Bay
Morro Bay, CA
Bidding Closed
9/10/24 2:00pm
Bid No. 25-01 Lange Kindergarten ClassroomsFire Alarm; Project No. 19667
Bidding Closed
Lucia Mar Unified School District
Nipomo, CA